When Holidays and Direct Mail Collide

October 4, 2021

Fireworks and Fruitcakes

How do you deal with planning in home dates for direct mail when major holidays are a factor? We’re coming up on Independence Day 2018, aka one of the biggest US holidays of the year! The days before and after are popular vacation times for many of us, especially when the 4th falls mid-week, like it does this year on Wednesday.

Fourth of July travel is another competitor for July direct mail campaigns. Many of your targets won’t be home to check the mail and respond to the time sensitive offer you’ve invested in.

In 2017, AAA estimated a record breaking number of Americans, 44.2 million to put a number to it, planned travel for 50 miles or more from home to enjoy the holiday. Read the full article here. Days were spent camping, on beaches and at National Parks. Daily routines were put on hold for a long weekend or more. There’s no reason to think 2018 will any different.

So how do you time a direct mail campaign to arrive during holidays?

In our experience at Instinctive Insights, it’s a matter of respecting that holidays rob our time to ramp up for them and to settle down from them.

The period of time varies by holiday so consider that, too. Of course, we all know the end of year holidays burn days and weeks of our time in preparation for what is for many, just a couple of days. Honestly, how much attention are you giving to post cards in the mail box when junior wants a pony and fruitcakes need making?

Account for the full breadth of the holiday and schedule direct mail to arrive a few days after things have returned to normal for most of us. This strategy gives you the best chance at engaging a prospect vs timing arrival during the few days before holiday fever takes over. A few days later, life is largely back to normal and the pile of mail waiting at home has been dealt with and your message won’t get lost in the shuffle.

The Instinctive Insights official position on direct mail arrival dates for the 2018 July 4th Holiday is: On or around July 9th.

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