Membership Conversion Rates Since June 2020

October 4, 2021

Adaptive marketing is an approach that enables brands to create more personalized and authentic relationships with their members, based on the feedback coming from various data points. It allows marketers to adapt not only their messaging but also the products and services being offered. The reward? More sales, long-lasting loyalty, and sustainable growth.  

Adaptive marketing is a tactical strategy we execute to support our active client campaigns in keeping up with deviations in consumer behavior. In our experience, the best way to do that this is to track and monetize campaign results while confirming data-based trends with club client’s in-person observations.  

So how has membership acquisition changed since reopening? Here are some stats for first engagements by marketing channel and Persona. And by first engagement, I mean the first time we contacted a prospect on behalf of a club client.

Did that household convert to membership after only one touch?

Direct Mail: 0.37%

(first-time engagements, either looking at a NEW club client or a reopening and the first campaign)

Led by the two staples, Alumni and Referral, followed by New Movers and then Families with Teens.

Younger families, Seniors with kids, and Young Professionals have been profitable, but not as lucrative.

Seniors and couples (no kids) and middle-aged singles have not yet made a strong comeback for most clients.

Facebook/Instagram: 0.14%

Alumni leads the pack.

We are seeing more young families and couples (no kids) and singles converting here than in any other channel.

YouTube: 0.09%

Alumni leads the pack, followed by families of all makeups, and then Young Professionals.

Other personas had conversions but not to the same degree.

The fact is that each channel has its place in the mix. Direct mail is a staple for alumni, referrals, and mature families, and it is the ONLY way to get solid coverage on new movers. Facebook/IG resonate more with couples and singles that don’t have children. Finally, YouTube is positioned for all families, including the younger folks that resonate less with direct mail and young professionals.

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