Attracting Outdoor Enthusiasts Indoors

October 4, 2021

Using Psychographic Data to Target the Right Prospects

Nancy Trent, Founder and President of Trent & Company, recently published a wonderful article in Club Industry on outdoor enthusiasts looking for a warm place to blow off steam and stay in shape, specifically as it relates to the Fall and Winter months.If you'd like to read Nancy's article, click here.We leverage consumer data to target households that are involved or interested in a variety of outdoor pursuits, and consistent with Nancy's perspective, have measured higher conversion rates and ROI for households living an "outdoor lifestyle." We've found seven outdoor data points that suggest a household is most likely to be interested in joining a Club. Households that exhibit two or more of these traits are more likely to join a Club, and those with 4-5 have the highest conversion rate in our marketing campaigns.

The seven key attributes include:

• Hiking and camping, with a premium focus on hiking
• Interest in wildlife: seeing and protecting
• Buying gardening productsInterest in a home garden
• Identifying themselves as "living green"
• Searching for outdoor activities and topics of interest
• Subscribing to outdoor and gardening magazines

Targeting prospects based on an affinity for the outdoors makes good sense. Other psychographic data points help us further refine a target strategy for households practicing an active, fitness lifestyle. Some of those categories include:

• Number of sports activities a household is involved in
• Searches for fitness-related activities, and/or subscribing to fitness publications
• Buying healthy: vitamins, natural foods, and reading up on nutrition or subscribing to healthy-living publications
• Donor activity: interestingly, people that "invest" in their health and fitness are also most likely to donate to charitable organizations or causes they are passionate about

Consumers leave data footprints when they buy and search. Instinctive Insights turns more than 600+ demographic, psychographic and transaction data points into intelligent target strategies using proprietary predictive models engineered exclusively for Clubs. We use that data prowess on the backside of campaigns to "factually and accurately" present results and ROI - because marketing should be provably profitable.Tell us a about you and your club if you'd like to learn more about our data-driven approach to Club Marketing.

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